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Spring Parent-Teacher Interviews - Apr 1, 3

We encourage everyone to come to Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday April 1 and Thursday April 3 from 4:00-6:30pm.

  • Interviews take place in the gym
  • They are "drop-in". No appointment is required.
  • Interviews are 5-10 mins per teacher.
  • Students are welcome to attend with their parent(s)/guardians





How Parent Teacher Interviews work in Junior High. 

  1. Arrive at the school and head to the gym between 4:00-6:25pm. 
  2. You will see all of the teachers on the outside of the gym with their name posted above them.
  3. Go from teacher to teacher (any order) to discuss your child's progress.
  4. Leave when you have talked to everyone you came to see.  
  • There is a help desk at the gym door to direct you if aren't sure where to go and reference lists at the bottom of this page. 
  • Some parents/guardians like to speak to all their child's teachers and some only visit specific ones. 
  • Some parents/guardians bring their child and some don't.
  • **If your child has an IPP or LSP that you would like to talk about with a core teacher, please see their family teacher first to get a copy to bring with you. A digital copy is available in the Parent Portal


You may want to see some or all of the following groups of teachers:

1. Your child's FAMILY teacher.  You may hear your child refer to their family as their house (VENTUS, IGNIS, TERRA, or AQUA) plus a number like TERRA2 (Richter).  This teacher is your child's mentor and advocate for their whole junior high career. 

-»They are your main contact for how your child is doing in general, in reading block, and with tutorials.  They also know their Social-Emotional needs, can give educational advice, and answer general questions about the school and programs.

2. Your child's CORE teachers.   You may hear your child talking about 7A, 8B, or 9C.  This is their core class.  These are the LA, Math, Sci, SS, Health, and Phys. Ed teachers.

-»Look for their name on the wall.  There may be a person waiting in line.  You can get in line or have a seat in the waiting area the middle. 

-»When teacher is finished with an interview, you can go up and sit down with the teacher for a 5 minute interview.   

-»If you need more than 5 minutes, please email the teacher directly to book more time.  


3. Your child's Elective/Option teachers.  These are the teachers who teach options each term like:  Foods, Metals, Math Support, Computers, Rec Leadership...  

-»Look for their name on the wall.  There may be a person waiting in line.  You can get in line or have a seat in the waiting area the middle. 

-»When teacher is finished with an interview, you can go up and sit down with the teacher for a 5 minute interview.   


4. Specialized Programs teachers: Your child may attend a specialized class for numeracy or literacy supports such as the Bridges Program, Foundations Program, or Reading/Math support. 


5. School Social Workers (SSW): Providing mental health supports & resources for students and their families.

-»Ms. Lastiwka is available to meet as well.  She has a private office in the foyer. 

-»If you would like your child to start seeing an SSW, please stop by and sign a consent form. 

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