The ELJHS Lion Heart Award is presented each term to recognize students who have been exemplary students and leaders in their class, school, and community. One student from each house is recognized each term. To be selected to receive this honour, each nominee must demonstrate outstanding qualities in four different categories:
- Homeroom,
- House and Community,
- Academic Classes,
- Clubs, Teams and Activities.
Excellent |
Proficient |
Satisfactory |
Home Room |
Connects and supports their peers and leads efforts to include and connect with peers. |
Connects and supports their peers and is a role model for respectful and inclusive behaviour. |
Maintains positive relationships with peers and exhibits respectful and courteous behaviour. |
House & Community |
Takes on a leadership role in our school or community. |
Regularly participates in school or community events. |
Has participated in school or community events. |
Academic Classes |
Takes on a leadership role in classroom activities and inspires others to learn. |
Always participates enthusiastically in classroom activities while also learning independently. |
Always participates enthusiastically in classroom activities. |
Clubs, Teams and Activities |
Explores their passions and leads a club or team. |
Explores their passions and attends clubs or teams regularly. |
Explores their passions and has attended clubs or teams. |
Academic awards are presented to École Lacombe Junior High School students who have achieved Honours by scoring 80% or higher in their core courses. The awards are held in October.
- Gold .......... Honors in all 4 core subjects
- Silver .......... Honors in 3 core subjects
- Bronze ........ Honors in 2 core subjects
The Principal’s Award is our school’s highest academic honour, and is presented to students who achieve 90% or higher in all of their core courses.
Athletic awards are also presented at various times throughout the year. The presentations are as follows:
- Sports Participation Certificates – presented to students participating in organized school sport activities by the PE teachers at the end of each school year
- Major Athletic Award - presented at our Awards Ceremony in October.
- Minor Athletic Award - presented at our Awards Ceremony in October.
- Track and Field Awards – presented to the top male and female athlete in the Division and School Track Meet (combined).