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Our first exam begins on May 13. Students will write exams each morning, while the afternoons have classes except on June 25 and 26.  Study locations are available to students in the afternoon those days, but attendance is not mandatory. 

**If your child will be absent for an exam please contact the office and speak to Mr. Sia**

Students will need:

  • a pencil and eraser
  • a calculator (not a phone) for math/science exams.  
  • a healthy drink and snack
  • a book or something to do after completing the exam.
    • Phones, tablets, smart watches, and other electronic devices are not permitted in the exam room 
  • If accessing audio, bring plug-in headphones   


Exam Schedule

Date Morning 


May 13

Grade 7-9 English Language Arts Part A.  

Regular Classes

May 15

Grade 7-9 French Language Arts Part A.  

Regular classes for English students

Regular Classes

June 13

Grade 7-9 Math  Exam Part A (No calculator)

Regular classes periods 2-3

Regular Classes

June 19

Grade 7-9 Social Studies 

Regular Classes

June 20

Grade 7-9 Science *Calculator required (no phones)

Regular Classes

June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day- Regular classes all day

 June 24

Grade 7-9 Math Part B *Calculator required (no phones)

No classes.

Study hall open

 June 25 Grade 7-9 English Language Arts Part B

No classes.

Study hall open

June 26

Grade 7-9 French Language Arts Part B.  

No classes.

Study hall open

June 27

Make up exams

No classes.

Study hall closed

June 28

Evaluation day  

No classes.

Study hall closed


Preparing for Exams 

    • Start getting ready for final exams.  
      • Organize your locker, your notes, and binders.  
      • Make sure you have your textbook or use the digital textbook.
      • Set up a comfortable and quiet space.
      • Start going through your work from the start of the year and working on review packages from your teacher.
      • Make notes or flashcards of important concepts and words.  
      • Eating healthy snacks & sleeping will help your brain.  
      • Feeling really stressed about exams?  Talk to a teacher or Ms. Maddie or Ms. Steffie.




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